Characterization of mitochondrial derived vesicles
In 2008 we published the first study documenting the existence of mitochondrial derived vesicles (MDVs). This opened entirely new avenues of research into what controls the formation of these vesicles, how they are transported, and what are the consequences when these pathways fail. Many unexpected findings followed including roles in peroxisomal biogenesis and immune signaling. In addition to efforts dissecting the mechanisms of MDV formation our work on MDVs led us into Parkinsons disease research, which is a major focus of ongoing research. Beyond the cell biological roles of MDVs, we are also interested in how MDVs are generated. Recently, a project led by Postdoctoral Fellow Tim König was published in Nature Cell Biology documenting the mechanism of MDV production.
Featured publications.
Discovery of MDVs 2008
Delivery of MDVs to endolysosomes 2012
Regulation of endolysosome-targeted MDVs 2016
Mechanisms of MDV formation 2021